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BJP4 Exercise 1.12: FightSong

Language/Type: Java classes method basics println redundancy
Author: Marty Stepp (on 2016/09/08)

Write a complete Java program in a class named FightSong that generates the following three figures of output. Use static methods to show structure and eliminate redundancy in your solution.

In particular, make sure that main contains no System.out.println statements, that any System.out.println statement(s) repeated are captured in a method that is called just once, and that the same System.out.println statement never appears in two places in the code.

Go, team, go!
You can do it.

Go, team, go!
You can do it.
You're the best,
In the West.
Go, team, go!
You can do it.

Go, team, go!
You can do it.
You're the best,
In the West.
Go, team, go!
You can do it.

Go, team, go!
You can do it.
Type your solution here:

This problem asks for a complete program. Write a complete Java program as a class with a main method. (You do not need to write any import statements.)

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